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Support Our Annual Funds

Often, donors seek to designate their gift be used to support a specific purpose within the law school.  Donors can support one of the many existing funds that have been established by the law school, a sampling of which are shown below.  Donors can also suggest brand-new funds that can be established to accommodate their personal interest and ensure their gift fulfills their specific intent completely.
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When you make a gift online, you may make a choice to support one of these funds which makes up our Annual Fund Campaign:


Support the “Area of Greatest Need” at Ave Maria School of Law 

This fund supports the general needs of the Ave Maria School of Law and is not restricted to any specific purpose other than assisting us to respond to God’s call to train talented lawyers, not only with the finest professional skills, but also with a firm commitment to the moral and ethical values upon which our great nation was founded. 

Support the Ave Maria School of Law Scholarship Fund 

This Fund supports scholarships for worthy law students and veterans who have distinguished themselves by their academic performance and potential to excel in legal study, leadership and commitment to service, and commitment to causes aligned with the Mission of the Roman Catholic Church, or in many cases – all these attributes. Donations support direct subsidy of tuition expenses associated with attending Ave Maria School of Law. 

Support the Ave Maria School of Law Pro Life Fund 

Founded in 2011, this Fund exists to support the Lex Vitae Society Student Organization at Ave Maria School of Law and specifically the annual March for Life delegation that travels to Washington, D.C. each January. The expenses associated with dozens of students taking part in the March for Life is substantial, but so is the central important of Ave Maria School of Law being represented at that incomparable event and making a strong statement in support of Pro-Life policy. 

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